Monday, April 9, 2012

M-920 Cain Progress Report

You can also favorite my props on my DeviantART
  • 04/07/12: Started on the Cain project.
  • 04/08/12: After two days of solid work, I'm happy to show off some progress shots! I still have a long way to go but it's actually starting to take shape now.
  • 04/09/12: It's looking more and more like the Cain. Just need more magic pixy dust...  
  •  04/15/12: Finally got both sides of the modeling clay finished.
  • 04/16/12: Began working on the front bit around the barrel... it will be the death of me. 
  • 05/01/12: Continued working on the front bit and began sanding/detailing the base.   
  • 05/06/12: The front bit threw a big hissy fit and I had to start over. Getting new pieces that were heavier but stronger to get the job done.
  • 05/07/12: Spent the entire day sanding, gluing, and attaching the new pieces... I am dead now...
  • 05/10/12: Finally attached the front bit to the base permanently. Now onto the best part... PAINTING!
  • 05/14/12: Painted both sides the base color, a flat black.
  • 05/16/12: Began painting the front bit and added most of the details to the base. 
  • 05/17/12: Did more details today. It's looking fantastic!
  • 05/23/12: Worked on details and made the other side catch up a bit.
  • 05/24/12: Nearly complete with one side, just have a few places that need touching up. The other side is nearly there as well. 
  • 05/25/12: After almost two months since I started, roughly sixteen days worth of work, weighing nearly ten fucking pounds, and possibly giving me the first of my grey hairs... the M-920 Cain can finally be deemed as done! Now to celebrate!
End Result:

     Day One

    Nerf Recon - Right out of the box.

    Before Any Alterations
    Sawed off the barrel tip and sanded down all the logos.

    Day Two

    Sawed/sanded the area around the magazine clip, removed the slide, and added a modified stock.
    First application of modeling clay.
    Applied slider and spare barrel to the top.

    Day Three

    Altered the spare bit I had from a previous build.
    Attached the modified part.
    Added more clay and set up support for handle.
    Finished handle and applied next layer of clay.

    Day Four

     Attached a support to the front for the barrel.
    Applied modeling clay to opposite side and made it identical on both sides.

    Day Five

    Began working on the bit around the barrel.

    The barrel consists of 3 different pvc pieces put together with modeling clay.

    All together now... roughly. Still more work ahead of me.

    Day Six

    Began sanding/detailing primarily this side.

    Did a little sanding on this side before the sun set.

    Attached the bits.

    Added modeling clay.

    Front view.

    Added the barrel.

    Side view.

    At the end of Day Six, it's coming together perfectly.

     Day Seven

     Due to issues with the previous front bit, I had to start over... with something more sturdy... and heavier.

    Glued pieces together and began sanding.

     Finished the top parts before calling it a day.

     Day Eight

    Reattached the new bits to the barrel and secured them on.

    Side view of the new pieces.

    Day Nine

    At last! The two pieces are fastened together and are ready for painting!

     One side of the completed process.

    The other side of the completed process.

    Day Ten

    There are 25 bottles here... I will be needing more...

    The end result of day ten, base color completed.
    The other side, flat black color base paint is done.

    Day Eleven

    Started painting the front and detailing the base.

    Went ahead and started painting the base too. Hopefully will do more tomorrow.

    Day Twelve

    Continued working on the front bit.

    Mostly finished the front bit.

    Began working on other details.

    Put primary colors in their locations.

    Day Thirteen

    Added more details today.

    Feeling awesome with how far its come... it's almost ready for E3.

    Day Fourteen

    More details and made the other side catch up in progress.

    Day Fifteen

    More details.

    Added the radiation symbol to the back.

    Almost done with the other side. You can see how it looks from this angle.

    Day Sixteen:

    Yes, I do all the painting by hand.

    Every detail all done by hand... so much love went into this gun.